Public (software) Library Programming Library Descriptions and Compilation Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford Duplication, reprinting and distribution of these descriptions is restricted. See LICENSE.DOC in the PSL_NEWS directory for complete information =====General Programming Tools and Info, part 2 CONTENTS: -----PGM_ENV: programming environments -----MULTLANG: libraries and routines for multiple languages -----DEBUG -----CALC -----HEX_EDIT: Hex viewers and editors -----SOUND -----INSTALL: installation programs -----DATABASE -----FLOWCHRT: case and program flow charting programs -----DEMOMAKR: demo makers ======================================= -----PGM_ENV: programming environments [GLIDE] The Glide 1.00.02 (Russell A. Powell; $52) is an integrated programming development environment. It is fully configurable for any language. Features include mouse support, swapping to EMS, HMA or disk, 25,43, or 50 column video mode support, internal make and link script generator, internal clock, calendar, calculator and more. (2 Disks.) [NICENEZ] Nice-N-EZ (Digital Manufacturing Systems; $20) is a program development environment for use with programming language. You can include your own help information from which you may copy and transfer text, such as programming examples, into your own program. The usual editing functions are provided as well as powerful block operations, a clipboard to store deleted or copied text, automatic indentation, keystroke macros, various programming aids. mouse support, the ability to edit up to five modules at one time and more. Requires 512K. [PIE_TS] Programmer's Integrated Environment (twentysomething Software; $10) provides an interface for most programming languages. It allows you to edit, compile, link, test, and debug a program using a basic menu. Requires 512K and a hard disk. [SPA_WN] SPA:WN ($50) is a programming environment. To help you get started, the disk also contains a tutorial for people unfamiliar with the concepts of structured programming and hierarchical top-down design. According to the author "SPA:WN is the only pan-lingual (i.e. adaptable to any target language) Warnier diagram based structured program development tool." [SAM2] Source Application Manager (Mogenot, Olivier; $0) is a programming environment that can be used with different languages so that you do not have to deal with different interfaces/editors for each. [TURBO] Turbo Environment 2.21 (Orme, Daniel; $25) is an integrated development environment for your favorite assembler or compiler. It has most of the features found in Turbo Pascal's IDE such as an editor, the ability to edit two files at once; shell to DOS; pull-down menus; same key strokes as Turbo Pascal; and a configuration file. Other features include on-line help, box shadowing, and 43/50-line support for EGA/VGA. -----MULTLANG: libraries and routines for multiple languages [ALLOCRJ] Alloc 1.4 (Jones, Robert L.; $0) is an ALLOC procedure that uses interrupts rather than externally linked OBJ files. [Cx] Cx 1.03 (Nelson, Eugene; $45) is a data compression library for MS-DOS, Windows and OS/2. Cx includes examples for VB, C and Pascal examples; OBJ, DLL, MIX and TPU interfaces; and source. [FILBUF] Filbuf (Kyle, Jim; $20) is a LIB module that will determine the number of FILES and BUFFERS configured in a system. BASIC and C examples are included. [FNDENV_@] FndEnv is an assembly language routine that finds the master Environment block for DOS. If it cannot find it, it passes back the local Environment block. [EXEC_TW] Exec (Wagner, Thomas; $0) is the source code in several different languages to allow swapping of your program to EMS to free memory for other programs to run. [PCUSER] PcUser (Blenman, Percival; $0) are some miscellaneous user functions. [EXEC] Exec 3.3A (Wagner, Thomas; $0) contains source code in several different languages to allow swapping of your program to EMS to free memory for other programs to run. Features include XMS support, the ability to process BAT files and handle redirection, and many error codes. [TESSRACT] Tesseract (TesSeRact Development Team ASP; $25) is a library of routines for developing ram-resident programs and a proposed standard for ram-resident program communication. The libraries and modules allow developers to write programs with TSR capability with little or no knowledge of TSRs. Among the features provided are easy use of hotkeys, simple Ram-Resident routines, co-resident functions, and cross-routine communication facilities. These routines been tested with Turbo C 1.5, Turbo Pascal 4.0 and 5.0, Microsoft C 5.0 and 5.1, Microsoft's Macro Assembler 5.0 and 5.1, and OPTASM 1.0. [PGL_TOOL] PGL Toolkit (Norton, JoAnne W.; $95) is a printer graphics library with over 80 functions. Features include unlimited virtual drawing resolution up to 32k by 32k and 256 colors, support for 28+ compiler versions and six programming languages, and support for most popular printers. It produces high resolution printouts utilizing as little as 8K of memory. Full support is provided for printing through a parallel or serial port interface, and seven fully scalable stroked font sets are included. No royalties are required for use in your apps. -----DEBUG [BLDHOUND] BloodHound (Fencel, Richard; $50) is a program debugging tool. It works by loading and running your program and recording all the keystrokes that you wish to enter as part of the normal execution of your program. It then saves the resulting screens. Normally, you would do this after your program is running the way it should, but you want to make modifications to it. Programmers know all too well how modifications in one area of a program almost always cause unforeseen changes in other areas. So after you have made modifications to your program, Bloodhound will replay the keystrokes and compare the resulting screens to the previous `known good run' and report any differences. [DF_DEBUG] Data File Debugger (Gilmore Systems; $20-$40) is a unique and powerful data file and database debugging tool. It allows you to interactively display, dump, modify, zap, and fill data elements in the data file or database by the same variable names that describe the record layout in your source code. DFD lets you translate data to and from different language formats, including Computer Innovations C86, Microsoft Pascal, Borland's Turbo Pascal, Borland's Turbo C, and Microsoft C. [DSTRIP] DynaStrip (Dynasoft; $0) is a debugging information manager. It searches all subdirectories and processes any OBJ files that match the wildcard filespecs. It allows selective stripping of debugging information, thus resulting in linkable applications that support moderate debugging capabilities. [IOPORT] I&C and IOPort 1.01 (Gramann, R. A.; $22) I&C is a TSR debugger. Unlike Debug and CodeView, it can be used to debug TSR programs as they operate. At the press of a key, it allows memory inspection, memory modification, and instruction breakpoint with data collection. IOPort allows port input and output by pressing a hot-key. [MEMUTIL] Memutils 1.1 (Shearer Cooper Computer Company; $10) is a collection of utilities that can greatly assist in debugging and monitoring memory usage and memory problems in programs. USEMEM uses up a specified amount of memory, for checking how your program will run on macnines with less memory. FILLMEM fills memory with a specified value and then optionally runs your program. MEMTEST performs a byte-by-byte test of your standard DOS (640K) memory. WATCHMEM is a TSR that watches and remembers all requests for memory (allocation, modification, and release) as well as requests for execution and termination. [MONITOR] Monitor (Wissinger, Richard; $25) is a programmer's debugging tool. When you press the hotkey, it will interrupt the current process in your machine, and display all the appropriate information about the interrupted process. You can now alter the state of MONITOR/386, such as entering new breakpoints, modifying memory, etc. [SOSENG] SOS Engine 2.14a (Solid Oak Software; $30) is a debugging tool which records low level application activity such as file accesses, reads, writes, memory allocation requests and more. It links into an application in Clipper, C, BASIC, TP, etc. [SpyTrak] SpyTrak 2.5 (Korvin Communications Co.; $30) is a TSR, disassembling and debugging tool. Disassembling is performed during the program's execution. It tracks each operation performed by the program step by step, recording status of registers, flags and instructions, unassembled into opcode. [TRAP] Trap (Kolbeck, R.; $0) is a useful tool for debugging interrupts and reverse engineering. It's also very helpful in detecting viruses and creating TSR-programs. With TRAP, you can trap every interrupt in your PC, even hardware interrupts like INT 08h, 09h or 1Ch. -----CALC [Bits] Bits 2 (Roper, David; $0) is a program for PC/Main-Frame developers. It does math calculations and can be used as a substitute for Math Tables. It does Logs, Trig, Base conversions and more. [HDBcalc] HDBcalc 1.0 (Lynch, Jim; $10) is a 16 bit programmer's calculator that lets you perform math and logical operations in Hex, Decimal and Binary notation. Unlike other calculators, the operands and the result are all displayed on the screen at the same time. This makes it possible to do "what if" type of calculations, in spreadsheet fashion. [PopCalc] PopCalc 1.01 (Microsystems Software Inc.; $20) is a pop-up (6k) calculator that will evaluate complex expressions in binary, decimal and hex format. It also supports all C operators, plus Rotate. PopCalc will let you assign values to variables and evaluate equations. PopCalc locks up under DESQview. [FADD] Fadd (Richwell, Gunner; $15) will compute the values for all combinations of segment value, offset value and physical address. [BASERES] Baseres 3 (L/G Computer Consultants; $10) is a stay-resident program written in Turbo Pascal to satisfy the programmer's need (especially C language) for base conversion of numbers and characters. The conversions are displayed simultaneously for Ascii, Hex, Decimal, Binary and Octal. [Calc_CD] Calc (Dunford, Christopher J.; $0) is a calculator with many programmer- type functions, such as shift-left, shift-right, 2's comp., 1's comp., And, Or, Xor, Hex, Decimal, Octal, Binary. [QwikMath] QwikMath (Olsen, J. W.; $25) is a comprehensive programmer's calculator. It offers a complete range of arithmetic and bitwise operators, the ability to perform calculations in 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit values, a 16-level undo feature, a what-if session without losing the results of prior operations, ability to freely combine and move between all conditions provided at any time, context-sensitive help, and stand-alone or memory resident. Values may be entered in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal, with results always displayed in all radices, as well as their ASCII or extended scan code equivalents, where applicable. -----HEX_EDIT: Hex viewers and editors [HexView] HexView 1.2 (Daytris Information Systems; $15) is a hexadecimal editor for the MS-DOS environment. It can be used to edit or view binary or ASCII files in a full screen hexadecimal format. [HEXIT] HexIt (Viscomi, Peter M.; $8) will translate files into HEX format and optionally display them on the screen or print them. -----SOUND [DVPT1, DVPT2] Digitized Voice Programmer's Toolkit (Farpoint Software; $50) is a voice-digitizing utility for programmers. It involves a combination of software and hardware with which programmers may create digitized voice recordings, store them on disk, edit the voice data files, and incorporate digitized voice playback into their own high-level language programs. The recording of digitized voice requires a small, inexpensive hardware device to be built. Schematics and printed circuit board layout files are provided for this device. Playback of the digitized voice, however, requires no special hardware except for a 286/386. Realistically, a hard disk is required to hold the unarchived files in this set, which total over 1.5 meg. [SAYINVA] Say Invalid (Leithauser, David; $5) can be called by your program to say "Attention. Invalid input. Please Redo." through the computer's speaker in a voice guaranteed to wake up your user (and everyone else in the office). Frankly, we prefer HAL's soothing "Sorry, Dave, I can't do that." (See disks 2388-2392 for Sound player and sound files.) [SFXLIB] Sound Effects Library (Smith, Dave; $0) allows you to include any of 17 different sounds in your programs. It features fires, explosions, bombs, tones, vibration and more. [SFX486] SoundFX 486 (Smith, David; $17) is a sound effects library for 486 Systems. There are 70 sounds included, plus a demo program which can play each of the sound effects. [SOUNDSG] Sounds Good 2.0 (Leinecker, Richard C.; $15) is a sound editor that creates files you can easily integrate into your programs through the use of a set of library routines. The sounds are interrupt driven and allow you to do other tasks in the foreground. BASIC and C examples are given. -----INSTALL: installation programs [EZINSTL] Easy Install 1.0B (Scanlon Enterprises; $10) automates the installation of your software. [EDI_DOS] EDI Install for DOS 1.0 (Eschalon Development Inc.; $45) is a complete customizable installation program. It has an attractive window interface and supports multiple disks of any size media. It also supports file compression. The executable installation program is less than 40K. [QUIKINS] Quik-Install 1.6 (Wester, Michael L.; $15) is a small (8k) software installation program. Multi-disk installation is supported. It copies files or installs from EXE archives, checks available disk space, creates subdirectories, automatically executes applications after installation, and stores setup internally. [PHELP] Pinnacle Help 1.01 (Pinnacle Help; $75) will help you package your shareware with a slick, professional appearance. It provides all of the reference material a first time user needs, along with a file lister, information about registration, and more. [FINTOUCH] Finishing Touch 2.4 (ImagiSOFT, Inc. ASP; $73) is a simple software installation program that reduces the amount of space required on disks by 50 to 75 percent. It tests a user's hardware to make sure that it can handle your software. [IMPRES] First Impression 2.6 (Lincoln Beach Software ASP; $60) is a toolkit for creating an easy to use installation program. Features include the ability to check for drive availability and free disk space, to add a subdirectory to the PATH, print documentation, code user's name into the program, use compressed files, update the CONFIG.SYS file, and more. [INSTALL] Install 3.0 (Kenneth W. Illig; $0) is a simple software installation program. [PWRINSTL] PowerInstall 1.4 (Ataras Engineering ASP; $29) is a software installation utility. You provide instructions in a text file and it creates an .EXE file to do the installation accordingly. Among the many commands you may put in the script file are the abilities to read from and write to windows, read keystrokes and mouse clicks, execute COM/EXE/BAT files with or without the user seeing it, view files, copy and delete files, verify paths, make and change directories, use variables and line labels, use IF statements, and more. [StanKit@] StanKit 4.07 (Liachev, Stanislav G.; $102) is a software installation utility. Features include compression, copyright text display, copy protection, installation password, colors, sound effects, and more. -----DATABASE [BTFILER] BTFiler (Access Microsystems Inc.; $29) is a Btrieve file recovery, viewing, editing, search and delete utility. You can can also clone or pack a Btrieve file; import and export records in ASCII files; create a file from a BTrieve Build file; list file statistics; and build lists of Btrieve error codes numerically and operation codes alphabetically. A page size calculator is included. Also included is BTViewer ($83), a powerful menu driven Query/Edit tool for Btrieve files. It features file maintenance functions, batch modify options, calculated field support, summary report screens, and much more. [BTRHELP] BTR Help (Informative Technologies ASP; $44) is a tool for use in the design, development, and maintenance of Btrieve applications. It will rebuild damaged Btrieve files, test file integrity, browse, delete and add records, edit records in Hex or ASCII, list Btrieve operations and errors, clone Btrieve files, display file statistics and more. Anyone who has struggled with Novell/Softcraft's user-unfriendly Btrieve utilities will be delighted at the ease of use of BTR Help. [BTRWATCH] BTR Watch (Informative Technologies ASP; $33) is a memory resident Btrieve debugger. It logs calls to Btrieve, recording time, date, file name, operation, duration, and result of each access. It will log all calls or just when specified status codes occur. It will optionally signal you with a beep when a bad status code occurs. [HBB] Hybrid Btrieve Browser 1.0 (Graham, Micheal S.; $33) is a TSR that will allow you to view Btrieve records in a user defined format. Ten different views can be defined with ten fields per view. The view screen can be scrolled four ways and data can be pasted into the keyboard buffer. Requires 512K, DOS 3.x or higher and Btrieve 4.10 or higher. -----FLOWCHRT: case and program flow charting programs [DFDdraw@] DFDdraw (McDonnell Douglas Corporation; $0) is a graphics package for creating data flow diagrams. It is easy to use and supports a wide variety of printers and plotters. [EZCASE] EasyCase (Evergreen CASE Tools; $100) is a CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tool. EasyCASE is intended to simplify the generation of data flow diagrams, transformation graphs, state transition diagrams, structure charts and entity relationship diagrams. A chart can have up to 256 connections, flows or transitions and up to 20 text blocks. Support is included for HP7550 and HP7475 plotters, for Jackson Data Structure Diagrams, for monographics cards and for EGA/VGA cards connected to mono monitors, and more. Requires EGA/VGA, MS mouse, 286/386, 512k. [EASYCHRT] Easy Chart (Pavitron Computer Group; $45-$60) is a tool for drawing system flow and hierarchical charts. It uses line drawing characters and other characters in the IBM extended ASCII set to draw lines and boxes. It will automatically draw four different flow-charting symbols to any size you specify: a box, a "list" figure, a "file" figure, and a decision box. The diamond-shaped decision box is the roughest of the figures because it uses the `< > /\' characters, which do not form smooth lines. [NSChart] NSChart (Siltronix; $35) generates Nassi-Shneiderman structured flowcharts from a Program Design Language (NSPDL). Translators are available which convert existing code (C, Pascal, FORTRAN, etc.) into NSPDL. The chart can be printed or viewed on screen. [FLOWCHRT] Flowcharter (-; $0) is designed to provide a method of displaying complex procedures or events in a graphical manner using standard symbols which are easy to understand. The most common use of flowcharts is in the design of complex computer programs. These flowcharts show the basic design of the program independent of the computer language in which they will later be written. In this way, other programmers can translate the design into the actual program using the flowcharts. [PC_FLOW] PC-Flow (Makoski, Dave; $0) is a program designed specifically for the creation of flowcharts. It comes complete with nine commonly used templates representing tapes, disks, printed output, work blocks, decision diamonds, and more. These are displayed on the side of the screen and chosen by moving an ŤŠarrow with the cursor keys or mouse. Text and connection lines can be added. The final result can be printed on an Epson compatible printer. CGA-compatible graphics adapter is required. Only a single screen can be edited and printed at one time, so large flowcharts would have to be divided into parts and the printed results taped together. One screen will hold a maximum of 25 flowchart elements. [SCDraw] SCDraw (McDonnell Douglas Corporation; $0) is a powerful, PC-based systems development tool for analyst and programmers. It allows you to build and maintain structure charts and data structure diagrams. You can improve your productivity by providing a sound blueprint of how program components fit together as you build your structure chart. Turbo Template KrikWare $15 #27732/3121 helps in the design of software and forces you to write code with better structuring. You start with an outline from which the program generates a skeletal version of your program. From there, you can flesh out your program. Works with C, Pascal, and BASIC. -----DEMOMAKR: demo makers [MDEM4A, MDEM4B, MDEM4C] MakeDemo (Windham Woods Publishing; $49) is a text-based demo maker designed to make it easy to create a demo of your program by capturing and editing screens and by creating new screens with the built-in screen designer. With the latter, you can make boxes, change colors, simulate menus and windows, and insert information. Also included is the runtime program "ShowDemo", that lets you view your works of art exactly as the end user might see them. Additional features include mouse support, and the ability to create interactive menus and to create and brand presentations and put them into single EXE files. [PC_Demo] PC_Demo is for mocking up demos of programs. The purpose of the program is to make up slide shows that will demonstrate software. PC-Demo comes with a screen editor and utilities for capturing screens from other programs. It claims to be better than Dan Bricklin's Demo program. [PROTOTYP] Prototype (Martin, Ray; $25-$50) is a demo building program for developers who have a program that they want to demonstrate.